This Agreement (hereinafter — Agreement) governs the relationship between ShahaR.Uz (tm) (hereinafter — Owner company) and an individual or legal entity (hereinafter — User) wishing to place information in the prescribed manner on the Internet resource of the owner company (located at: www.ShahaR.Uz (hereinafter — Site)).

The User posts on the Site voluntarily and free of charge information about real estate objects (with the exception of information that is posted only on a paid basis), makes applications for sale and lease, places images (photos), texts and other objects (hereinafter — Content), as well as any identifying information, including contact information (hereinafter — Personal data).

The User's execution of the Agreement is controlled by employees of the Owner Company (hereinafter — Site Administration), which manages the operation of the Site and laying down the floor

1. Subject of agreement

1.1. User Agreement — a legal agreement between the Owner Company and the User that establishes the rules for using the Site.

1.2. The site administration has the right to change the terms of the Agreement at any time and without additional notice; and the User undertakes to familiarize himself with these changes in a timely manner.

1.3. The User confirms his full agreement with the terms of the Agreement, and in case of disagreement, he undertakes to immediately stop using the Site.

1.4. The User confirms that he is aware of the importance of his actions and deeds for the acceptance of this Agreement, the ability to fulfill the terms of the Agreement and be responsible for their violation, including legal relations arising from the use of the Site.

1.5. The User is responsible for the Content and all consequences associated with its publication.

1.6. By posting the Content, the User guarantees that he has all the rights and powers necessary to transfer rights in accordance with the Agreement and provides access to the Content to any User of the Site.

2. Rights and obligations of the User

2.1. The User has the right to post Content in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and undertakes not to post Content of a provocative, offensive, aggressive nature; going against moral and ethical standards; violating the current Uzbek or international legislation, as well as rights, including intellectual, including those of third parties.

2.2. In case of damage to other Users, the Site or third parties, the User undertakes to compensate the damage in full in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. Rights and obligations of the Site Administration

3.1. The Site Administration is not responsible for the User's Personal Data available for viewing by other Users and visitors to the Site.

3.2. The site administration is not responsible for the independent disclosure by the User of his contact information.

3.3. The Site Administration does not consider and does not resolve conflict situations between Site Users, but has the right to block a page or other information of a User who behaves incorrectly towards other Users.

3.4. The site administration has the right, but is not obliged, to moderate the Content and may remove any material of the User without notice and explanation of the reasons.

3.5. The site administration does not control the observance of copyrights and is not responsible for their violation by Users.

3.6. The Site Administration does not guarantee the usefulness and interestingness of the Site materials.

3.7. If the User violates the terms of the Agreement or the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Site Administration has the right to transfer contact details, IP address and other information about the User to interested parties.

3.8. Information about the actions of the User is used to improve the operation of the Site.

3.9. The Site Administration has the right to suspend or close the User's access to the Site, and it also has the right to impose any restrictions on the Site User.

3.10. The Site Administration or the Owner Company has the right to change, suspend, close the Site or part of it without prior notice. 4. Additional conditions

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